Thursday, September 3, 2015

Nestlé Philippines Bear Brand Adult plus - "Naman"


Bear Brand Adult plus - "Naman"
Nestlé Philippines

            This bear brand advertisement entitled “naman” which endorsed an artist who is John Lloyd Cruz is a commercial that describes the things or activities which is for kids like the small bicycle and a kiddies’ pool and for adults it shows a mountain bike and an Olympics size swimming pool. As a kind what we want to do is to play, eat and sleep, our parent always reminds us that we should drink milk for us to have a strong bones and healthy strong body. As we grow old and do more things than playing, eating and sleeping we sometimes take for granted the milk and drink other alternative hot drinks such as coffee or tea but this advertisement shows that even you’re already an adult you must drink milk not to have strong bones but to maintain or sustain the strong bones and healthy body that you formed when you were a kid.

            What I like about this advertisement is its color the combination of white and blue shows coolness, it’s very refreshing in the eyes and the words and fonts used can be easily seen it is appropriate to its background and it’s readable. It may attract and encourage its target audience who are the old ones to buy and try the products because they want to have a strong bones and healthy body as they get old. The advertisement shows the benefits that they can get to the product and it may add up to its attractiveness. As I watch it more than 3 times I discovered that there are lots of propaganda techniques that are used to this advertisement such as testimonial, facts and figure, humor and repetition:

·         Humor – it is a technique that shows fun, enjoyment and entertainment to advertisement. As the bear brand shows that John Lloyd is riding on a small bicycle and snoring in a kiddie pool for me its shows fun and humor.

·         Testimonial – is a technique that shows the participation of artist, singers, music artist and even sports giants to endorse the particular products. The bear brand used an artist who is John Lloyd Cruz. He is an actor who is popular in television because of its talent in acting. They used him because it may helps to attract the audience to watch, be aware or buy the product.

·         Repetition – is a technique that the product is being repeated. In the advertisement the endorser repeat the word “Adult” which describe to the product which is bear brand adult plus.

·         Facts and Figure – is a technique that shows numbers, percentage and graphs to prove that their product is very effective. The Bear brand adult plus shows some facts that the powdered milk can give like high in calcium, vitamin C, iron and zinc which is needed to have strong resistance, body and bones. 

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